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Test Writing: Total Area

Created By: Chris Taylor
/ Version: 2023.6.0

Write a method totalArea that accepts a list of Shapes and returns the total area represented by all of the shapes. You may assume that the list passed is not null and does not contain any null elements. Your solution must make use of a stream and at least one method reference.

There are 3 classes available to you:

  • Shape - an abstract class with the following methods:
    • Shape(double centerX, double centerY)
    • double getCenterX()
    • double getCenterY()
    • abstract double getArea()
    • abstract double getPerimeter()
  • Circle - a class with the following methods:
    • Circle(double centerX, double centerY, double radius)
    • double getArea()
    • double getPerimeter()
  • Rectangle - a class with the following methods:
    • Rectangle(double centerX, double centerY, double width, double height)
    • double getHeight()
    • double getWidth()
    • double getArea()
    • double getPerimeter()

Test Design Challenge

You're challenge is to write tests for this problem described above.

  • Provide a method named test that accepts no arguments and does not return a value.
  • If the implementation of the class described above is incorrect, your test method should throw an exception.
  • If it is correct, do not throw an exception.
  • You may want to use Java's assert method

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