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Test Writing: Clamp with assert

Created By: Justin Maier
/ Version: 2024.9.0

Write a function clamp that takes three int arguments: the value to be clamped, a lower bound, and an upper bound, in this order. It should return the "clamped" value of the first argument (the original value if it within the bounds and the closer bound if it is outside).

However, you must use assert to check that the lower bound is no greater than the upper bound at the beginning of your function.

Test Design Challenge

You're challenge is to write tests for this problem described above.

  • Provide a method named test that accepts no arguments and does not return a value.
  • If the implementation of the class described above is incorrect, your test method should throw an exception.
  • If it is correct, do not throw an exception.
  • You may want to use Java's assert method